Artichoke: from plantation to its properties
The Mediterranean climate ideal for this vegetable
The ideal climate for artichokes is mild and temperate. So, it is better the season autumn-winter in the Mediterranean areas and spring-summer in those colder.
Temperatures that are lower to -10°C are dissuaded for artichokes, because they are detrimental for them.
Normally, at the end of the spring season, experts begin with the preparation of the land, in order to giving a break from water during summer, and then they begin again in autumn.
The phase of harvest of artichokes happens between January and February. Where climate allows that, experts resort to a kind of plantation that is made in a period different to that usual: water is applied in summer – in July – and the harvest is moved up in October.

The DOP Sardinian Spiny Artichoke is a very appreciated species for its taste and its softness. Its production involves almost the whole Sardinia, above all thanks to the Island atmospheric conditions, particularly favorable for this vegetable.
However, it is true that artichokes of ancient times had another color. They could last also for a period of five months. Instead, by now, they last a maximum of three months and their features are different to those before. Previously, experts put fertilizer once per season. Now, everything has changed, included the excessive quantity of fertilizer.
It was told that the Spiny kind is produced in almost the whole Sardinia. But, generally, artichoke is cultivated in the territory of Samassi and Villasor. Once, also Assemini represented one of the territories where artichoke was cultivated. But, the ancient techniques of production gave a space for the new. Once, artichokes of the Island were exported all over the Nation; they came in Rome and they were bought from wholesale merchants.
There are different methods for cooking it: if you decide to boil it, you must remove the external leaves accurately, and you must add garlic and parsley; but also associated with lamb or in the version of ingredient for panada, artichoke makes a good impression.
And it is unique the taste of the risotto with artichokes. Another highly tempting dishes, but above all practical and quick, are the pancakes with artichokes – in the alternative version, you can add the mint, too. The choice of preparing the preserves of artichokes is a correct method for having these vegetables at your fingertips in the whole year, also when it is not the specific period. March is the best month for conserving them into the specific jar.
The properties of artichoke are various, because its active ingredients are many. Lots of fibers, but few calories, a lot of iron, potassium, calcium and a lot of vitamin C. One of the substances, cynarine, is very useful, because it decreases the level of cholesterol. Who does a precise diet and a healthy nutrition and who wants to prevent cardiovascular diseases, resorts to artichoke. It is a vegetable that works as a perfect medicine.