The wedding "fruttera"

The bread in the tradition of Sardinia

The bread in Sardinia has always been the basic food supply, seen as an essential and a nutritional food celebrative of religious services, both popular and catholic.

From ancient times home and artisan bakery, takes place according to cyclical patterns determined by familiar economic necessities and the need of a collective conviviality during the festive occasions.

The story of the handicraft bread is remote: the Neolithic was the period of the discovery of the cereal crop, whose production will be developed to prehistory.

Photo by A. Masala
Photo by A. Masala

But, will be the Egyptians who will study the working of the bread dough up to the fateful moment when Jews will make art of baking leavened bread a real profession.
Instead, the bakery in Sardinia is an activity that involves the whole family clan.

The art of food preparation is proper of the Sardinian housewives, to which, from ancient times was dedicated the cleanup phase and the humidification of grain.
Therefore, a time of solidarity inherent of female conviviality and productive efficiency.

The centrality of such a simple food is demonstrated by its evolutionary past from which it has always been considered, by our ancestors, a sacred asset. The relevance of its cultural concept is confirmed by its formal association with religious rites, such as prayers or real sacramental procedures.

An exemplary demonstration is given by of the bride and groom's bread, "sa fruttera", which sets the wedding party tables.
By the deep symbolic value that bode well, the bread of the spouses requires a busy preparation, because after placing the flour with the salt in the center and ten grams of yeast diluted with water, you must mix up until you get a smooth and soft dough.

The rise has a duration ranging from one hour up to overnight, if you use sourdough. The difficulty lies in the realization, through parts of the dough, of a multiplicity of decorations in the shape of flowers, fruits or leaves, to be affixed on the base made with the remaining dough.

The foreseen cooking is forty-five minutes in hot oven, but if you want to give more shine to the bread, when baked, it must suddenly be immersed in boiling water and then baked for five minutes more. Sa fruttera is so ready to symbolize, on wedding tables and not only, a sign of good fortune and prosperity.

01 December 2015

Veronica Pastore
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